
Monday, 6 October 2008
lilly just sent me a short text saying she was staying with her brother. thats all she said, no kisses on the end or anything, just that. she has every right to be mad with me and i feel so bad about it!!

but at least shes safe. being with her brother means that she could be anywhere - he plays professional rugby and travels alot, but theyre most probably somewhere near home. im glad shes with him, he can sort her out and make sure shes okay

oh she also said in the text not to tell anyone where she was, and id love to keep that i really would, i mean shed be so much more mad if she asked me to keep a secret and i told everyone, but josh and ollie are worried sick over her so i think i should at least let them know that shes safe? i dont want her to get angry with me, but i think its for the best!!!

id watch out though if i was ollie or josh - i wouldnt want to be rugby tackled by corey jenson!! well, i certainly would, me being a young girl and him being a 6 foot 4 tall broad toooooootally sexy 24 year old rugby star. but them, being men and rather inferior to him [even if josh is a right hottie] would not enjoy it. promise.


“thoughts shared at 10:38”

about me
i'm camps, i'm 20, from leicester, studying at Sheffield Hallam uni with my best friend Lil! love life, try to be happy and smiley, a bit loopy, but that's me! love shopping, spending money, going to fabulous parties! and love being skinny!

  • to be skinny
  • to be adored
  • to be rich and famous!

    email me at lauren.camps@yahoo.co.uk

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  • September 2008
  • October 2008

  • credits
    Designer: SPLASH!
    Resources: 1 | 2