
Thursday, 2 October 2008
eeee you should have seen lil when we went shopping today!!! she was sooooo cute!!! she tried to deny it, but i knew she was trying to pick out an outfit for her little date tonight!!!!

as for me, well i love jordon so much!!! but hes back home in cambridge!!!!! he should be coming up this weekend, but hes not sure!!! ahhhh i miss him so much!!! i just wish he would come back, ive missed him so much and hes missed me and ive been slimming down for him so that he thinks i look beautiful!!!!! im getting there, anyway!!!! being lovesick doesnt give me the biggest of appetites, so i might ask him to stay away longer!!! haha!!!


“thoughts shared at 16:59”

about me
i'm camps, i'm 20, from leicester, studying at Sheffield Hallam uni with my best friend Lil! love life, try to be happy and smiley, a bit loopy, but that's me! love shopping, spending money, going to fabulous parties! and love being skinny!

  • to be skinny
  • to be adored
  • to be rich and famous!

    email me at lauren.camps@yahoo.co.uk

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  • September 2008
  • October 2008

  • credits
    Designer: SPLASH!
    Resources: 1 | 2