Thursday, 2 October 2008
okay so ollie just rang.. he's having a party... saturday. eeeeeek. he told me to bring lil - if he really wants to make it up to her then he should ring her himself, but i'll pass the message on just this once. so, what are we gonna go? we cant not go, cos everyone will wonder why and then their big secret will be out. but hes having a house warming party and all the way over in manchester means that we gotta stay over... so either way we'll have to lie about the real reason we'll be staying in a hotel.eeeek i dont know how or when to tell lil, shes out with josh right now and im guessing it would ruin her wonderful night if i told her tonight. what to dooo what to dooo!!! jordon said hes going, and im guessing josh would be too, and hed want lil to be there and arggh. i wish ollie had never done what he did and ruined their great friendship. he's SUCH an idiot! xoxoxo 0 comments |
about me
i'm camps, i'm 20, from leicester, studying at Sheffield Hallam uni with my best friend Lil! love life, try to be happy and smiley, a bit loopy, but that's me! love shopping, spending money, going to fabulous parties! and love being skinny!
to be skinny
to be adored to be rich and famous! contact
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