
Monday, 29 September 2008
i don't think i quite realised what happened between lil and ollie. i spoke to lil late last night, she's really upset, and he's really pissed off and went back to manchester by himself without saying goodbye to anyone!!!!

this is not good. a fall out cant happen, they're best friends!!!! hes been such an idiot!!!! can't believe he did what he did, treated my best friend like a piece of meat! im angry at him!!!! its obvious he's always had a thing for her, but he did that last week and now he looks jealous cos of josh getting closer to lil!!

everyone needs to grow up!!!

anyway, im off to enrolment/intro lectures!! fun fun!

“thoughts shared at 07:52”

about me
i'm camps, i'm 20, from leicester, studying at Sheffield Hallam uni with my best friend Lil! love life, try to be happy and smiley, a bit loopy, but that's me! love shopping, spending money, going to fabulous parties! and love being skinny!

  • to be skinny
  • to be adored
  • to be rich and famous!

    email me at lauren.camps@yahoo.co.uk

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  • September 2008
  • October 2008

  • credits
    Designer: SPLASH!
    Resources: 1 | 2