Friday, 12 September 2008
i'm welcoming myself to the blogging world!my best friend lil told me she's started a blog on here, and i thought hey, why not, i should do one too! so here it is! i'm lauren, otherwise known as camps. lil is my best friend, she's amazing, although she won't show me her blog, cos she thinks people will make fun of her! we're not like that you see. we aren't usually associated with all things geek (oh dear, how awful does that make me sound!) although this seems like a pretty good way of getting my feelings out, like a secret diary! anyway, i'm going to mess around with this for a bit and try and make sense of everything! exciting stuff! camps xoxoxo 0 comments |
about me
i'm camps, i'm 20, from leicester, studying at Sheffield Hallam uni with my best friend Lil! love life, try to be happy and smiley, a bit loopy, but that's me! love shopping, spending money, going to fabulous parties! and love being skinny!
to be skinny
to be adored to be rich and famous! contact
email me at
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